Saturday, October 13, 2007

Architect in Sweden starts Successful International Organization with Herbalife

"I'm running a successful, international organization with a phone, laptop and a baby in my lap!"

Pursuing her professional dream, Cindy Lou Eldkrona moved from the United States to Sweden to work as an architect. "What I found," Cindy recalls, "was a country in a recession that left 80% of its architects unemployed." While studying for her Architecture degree in Stockholm, Cindy discovered a new dream–running an Herbalife business.

"My organization is in nine countries–and counting!"

Cindy was immediately impressed with the opportunity. "The teamwork," she says, "the products, the international possibilities–I was overwhelmed!" Turning her excitement into action, Cindy built an international organization that's still growing.

"I never miss out on a minute with my 1-year-old."

Cindy is thrilled at how manageable her business is to run, so she can balance business with the needs of her family. "I make my European calls in the morning, then move on to my Pacific Time business in the afternoon," she explains. "I'm running a successful, international organization with a phone, laptop and a baby in my lap!"*

What works:

Building friendships with your team makes the business stronger and more fun. Learn from your team. It will help your business grow.
If you feel like quitting, push yourself to do just a little. With time, you'll make it.
Never stop training! Everything you need to succeed is available through Herbalife training.

* Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average-Gross Compensation for U.S. Supervisors at and

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