Sunday, October 14, 2007

Business Opportunity to counter #1 Killer: Excess abdominal (tummy) fat or central / truncal obesity

Helping others to lose & control weight is part of the growing wellness industry
Are you (working) in a job within an industry that is declining, not growing? A JOB usually means Just Over Broke.... A steady job in a declining industry could also be problematic due to redundancy.... Have you thought about alternatives? Several trends are currently sweeping the globe: The Economist magazine cover shows one trend, obesity, increasing weight problems, increasing health problems such as heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure etc...

A global survey has found that abdominal fat is the world’s number one killer, claiming more than 17 million lives each year.

The Shape of the Nations survey was carried out in 72 countries. There were more than 16 476 participants, 400 participants in each country.

It has identified that 100 participants per country were at high risk of heart diseases because of obesity.

According to the survey, 50-80 % of all deaths of people with diabetes are caused by cardiovascular diseases.

The survey also showed that more than 52% of physicians worldwide overestimate the waist size that put their patients at risk.

It also said that this is one of the major causes of death, because patients who are at risk of developing heart disease as a result of obesity, are not identified early enough and fail to get treatment.

More than 52% of people worldwide have been measuring their waist circumference after the alarming findings of the survey.

More than 100 primary care physicians per country have confirmed that their patients were unaware of the danger of abdominal fat.

The countries surveyed were:

South Africa
In North America, 49% of all the patients who visit primary care physicians are overweight or obese, and 39% worldwide.

(Edgar do Nascimento, Health24, September 2005)

A Practical Solution
What's one answer to these serious global health challenges?

Herbalife products are distributed in sixty-five (65) countries today. The flags of the first sixty (60) countries are displayed below:

What products are distributed in these countries? The top product for Herbalife is Formula 1, Nutritional Shake Mix, which is part of the ShapeWorks product line.

Logo for ShapeWorks Independent Distributors

ShapeWorks (TM) are Herbalife products that help with improving your shape, including your waist size. Have you considered becoming a weight-loss consultant for ShapeWorks? If so, you would be part of an industry that addresses the alarming growth in obesity that causes death, disease and discomfort to many.

Herbalife customer "Before" and "After" picture

Herbalife can effectively reduce your waist circumference, even without monitoring your body fat percentage or waist measurements. The products work!

Body fat analyzer

You don't need to go to boot camp or endure tiring long gym workout stints daily to lose weight. Sure, resistance training and cardio-respiratory exercise helps to become fit; however, good nutrition is more important than physical activity in achieving your ideal weight.

In addition to distributing excellent products with great results, the support of the ShapeWorks weight management coach has been shown to effectively help persons reach their goals (see article below).

Herbalife products work in Singapore

Physicians lose weight using ShapeWorks products!

Scientific Research findings about effective weight loss
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) dedicated an entire issue to obesity [in 2006]. The issue focuses on this growing epidemic, while spotlighting the fact that many medical professionals and obesity-research scientists are still searching for a solution to this health crisis. Some articles focus on pharmaceutical weight-loss products, while others simply validate that certain lifestyle factors are related to obesity. Most important, however, is that many of the studies emphasize that support systems like those offered by Herbalife can lead to long-term weight loss and weight maintenance.

One study compares the weight-loss success of people enrolled in a two-year, randomized commercial weight-loss program to those participating in a self-help program. Those who used the commercial weight-loss program that had a built-in support system experienced greater weight loss than those who had an initial session with a dietician, and were then referred to resources such as web sites and library materials.

This study certainly validates the importance of a support system — something that Herbalife has provided for more than 27 years. Our proven-effective ShapeWorks™ Weight-Management Programs offer customers a personal coach — their Distributor — in addition to numerous tools, including brochures, HBN shows, videotapes and education and training events that can help people achieve and maintain their weight-loss goals.

The other study, “Effects of Internet Behavioral Counseling on Weight Loss in Adults at Risk of type 2 Diabetes” shows that study participants who received support via e-mail, in addition to help from weight-loss counselors, lost more weight than those who just received information via e-mail without the counseling.

Through Herbalife, millions of satisfied customers across the world have achieved healthy weight loss and maintained that weight for a lifetime. It’s my hope that we see more studies focusing on lifestyle counseling and nutrition interventions changing the dismal fact that more than 60% of American adults are overweight and obese, and that our children are fast joining these ranks of our nation’s overweight and obese.

Jamaicans at Herbalife Extravaganza, July 2007

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